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        Post Office

Nice review on America: From Freedom to Fascism, but you are wrong on the Reserve
I thoroughly enjoyed your article, "Big Screen Threat" [April], regarding Aaron Russo's new film, America: Freedom to Fascism. I have passed it along to everyone on my e-mail list! Thanks!
   I do have one point I'd like to make, though, regarding your article. You seemed to have some reservation, regarding whether the Federal Reserve is a government or a private entity. Have you tried finding a listing for the Federal Reserve in your phonebook? You won't find it in the blue (government) pages. Instead, it is listed in the white pages, with all the other PRIVATE businesses and individuals.
   I can assure you, there is NOTHING federal about the Federal Reserve.
   Once again, great article and review! Keep up the good work!

Claude Bohn
Louisville, Kentucky

Liberty Watch did its research - unions are awful!
Like most of my colleagues, I feel I was conned into the union. I have no say or influence in my union, and frankly, whenever I want to address my opinions, I have little to no opportunity to do so.
   Your story on unions ["Under the Knife," April] was a solid summary of my pain with unions. I'm not sure who your source was for the article's speaking points, but I could see you did your research. This place we take for granted, called Las Vegas, will have nothing but itself to blame for its downfall, thanks to the hands of union bosses.
   I'm not a highly educated individual, but I know why unions exist. They do so to prevent individuals like myself from thinking on my own. I know your magazine cares for the working class; it's just a matter of time when the working class gets a chance at standing up for itself.

Trey Smith

Submit letters to Liberty Watch: The Magazine Editor Mike Zigler at [email protected] 

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Docent: Lewis Whitten